Bio-Fertilizers ( Azotobacter )
Orazoto consists of Azotobacter Spp , is well established microorganism for fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Atmospheric nitrogen is converted into ammonia and ammonium, which is absorbed by the plants.
Recommendation: Orazoto is recommended in paddy, Maize, Wheat, Barley, Jowar, Oats, Sugarcane, Tobacco, Sugar beet, Cotton, Potato, Brinjal, Bhendi, Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Betel vine.
Direction of Use:
Seed Treatment: Mix Orazoto @ 5-10 ml/kg of seeds in sufficient water to wet the seeds. Dip the roots in solutions for 30 minutes before transplating.
Soil Application : Take 250ml-500ml of Orazoto with 30kgs of farm yard manure/Soil and broadcast the mixture over acre of field and the plough or irrigate
Dosage :- 5 - 10 Ml/Ltr
** Varies from crop to crop
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